Health Office

Our Health Office provides necessary first aid and emergency care to students and school staff. We provide services such as screening for vision, hearing and general health. You can reach our Health Office directly at 891-3118.
Our Health Office provides necessary first aid and emergency care to students and school staff. We provide services such as screening for vision, hearing and general health. You can reach our Health Office directly at 891-3118.
Our Health Office provides necessary first aid and emergency care to students and school staff. We provide services such as screening for vision, hearing and general health. You can reach our Health Office directly at 891-3118.
Health Office Information
Health Office Information
Health Office Information
If your child has a sudden onset of cough, difficulty breathing, fever, diarrhea or has vomited, please keep them home for 24 hours or until they are symptom free without medication.
If parents/guardians will be out of town for a length of time, please notify the office in writing. We need to know who will be responsible for your child in case of illness or emergency. This information should include whose home they will be staying, along with phone numbers.
MEDICATION: CUSD requires that a Medication Form (HS-11a) signed by both parents and physician be on file in our Health Office for any medication (including prescription and/or over the counter) use at school. All medications are to be in their original container and clearly labeled with your student’s name. Please stop by our health office if you need this form. ***Medication services at school will begin once all paperwork is completed.
If your child is diagnosed with a specific illness, i.e. diabetes, epilepsy, etc. you must contact our Health Office the first day of school. This will ensure communications that are necessary for your child to be fully prepared to deal with their medical condition here at school.
Currently, the School Nurse is available once a week (all day) and the Health Aide Monday through Friday. Never hesitate to call the Health Office if you have a question or concern regarding your child.
New Enrollment
New Enrollment
New Enrollment
- IMMUNIZATIONS: All immunizations must be complete and shared with school prior to start school.
- REGISTRATION HEALTH RECORD: Parents complete prior to school start to address health concerns.
- ORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT: California law now requires that your child have an oral health assessment by May 31 in Kindergarten or first grade, whichever is his or her first year of public school. Oral health assessments that have happened within the 12 months before your child enters school also meet this requirement.
- REPORT OF HEALTH EXAMINATION FOR SCHOOL ENTRY: Physicals need to be completed and turned in by your student’s pediatrician during the first year of school.
Health Office Forms
Health Office Forms
Health Office Forms
Links to commonly used forms for the Health Office listed below: