Welcome To Sierra View
School Profile
School Profile
School Profile
Sierra View is a neighborhood school serving students in kindergarten through fifth grades. We take great pride in our Academic Plus program that strongly focuses on providing rigorous instruction in reading, writing and math, rounded out by a solid curriculum in composition, science, history and geography. We are committed to developing the whole child. The Academic Plus program is designed to instill within each child confidence, a sense of responsibility, pride in accomplishment and a positive self-image through academic achievement. Our classroom setting utilizes large group interaction, targeted small group instruction and independent seatwork to help make the learning experience exciting and enjoyable. The average class size is an average of twenty-four students in transitional kindergarten through second grades and thirty students in fourth and fifth grades. Our focus is centered around four questions:
- What do we want students to learn?
- How will we know when they have learned it?
- How will we respond if they do not learn it?
- How will we further challenge students when they do learn it?
Our Team
Our Team
Our Team
Sierra View’s Credentialed Staff includes one Site Administrator and 19 full-time General Education teachers in transitional kindergarten through fifth grade. We have two full-time Mild/Moderate teachers and one Speech and Language Specialist who serve all students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Our two Fine Arts Specialists provides visual and performing arts lessons. One P.E./Health Specialists provide physical education activities and health lessons to first through fifth graders. Our Music teacher works with all students in all grades. In addition, we have a Teacher/Student Support teacher that assists teachers in creating an intervention plan for students with specific academic and social emotional needs. District support is given with a one-day-a-week School Psychologist. Butte County Office of Education also provides support with Occupational Therapy, Visually Impaired, Adaptive P.E, etc.
The Sierra View Wellness Team consists of a Targeted Case Manager (TCM), a Counselor, and a Counseling Assistant. The counselor provides individual and small group counseling services. The Counseling Assistants utilize the Power of Play (P.O.P.), Playing and Learning Solutions (P.A.L.S.) programs and provide friendship groups to support our students socially and emotionally so they can learn and grow.
In addition to the teaching staff, Sierra View’s team includes many Support Staff. This team includes our Office Manager, Attendance Clerk, and Health Assistant as well as a Nurse one day a week. Our Computer Paraprofessional manages our digital devices, programs and instruction. Sierra View’s Library Aide supports students and staff by over-seeing the library media center. This includes circulation and maintenance of the library materials. We have three general education Instructional Paraprofessionals and two Parent Classroom Aides. Our Cafeteria Manager and Assistant provide nutritious breakfasts and lunches daily. Lastly, we have one Senior Custodian working full-time during the school day, two full-time night custodians and one part-time night Custodian.
Parent Community
Parent Community
Parent Community
The parent community at Sierra View Elementary is a key factor contributing to our positive school’s culture and student success.The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and the School Site Council give educational program support. Parents are involved with their children's education on a variety of levels. Parent volunteers make up an important part of our daily school population. They dedicate countless hours working in the classroom. Parent volunteers are instrumental in our Reading Is A Cool Habit (R.I.C.H) reading program, campus beautification projects, and working in the school garden and library.The PTO meets monthly and helps coordinate many school events, as well as fundraising for specific projects (track, playground equipment, office supplies, teacher materials, and so much more). The School Site Council (SSC) meets at least 4 times a year. This council is made up of half parents and half school staff. This committee provides input into the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement and decides how categorical money is to be spent (LCAP, Safe Schools, and Title II).Parent participation in their child’s education is highly encouraged and welcomed! We welcome your support and commitment by becoming a part of our school community. Studies show the more a parent is involved in their child’s education the more successful their child will be. We value partnership in promoting your child’s academic and social-emotional success at Sierra View.