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Sierra View Elementary School

Sierra View Elementary School

Parent Teacher Organization
Having a Positive Impact on our Children

Sierra View Elementary School's PTO brings together parents, teachers, and administrators to promote quality education, encourage community involvement, strive to expand the arts, and work for a safe & healthy environment for our students!

Sierra View PTO's focus is on building and maintaining strong programs and activities that bring our children together, enhance their learning environment and keep the FUN in their school experience.

It is through generous fundraising support and abundant volunteer efforts, that the SV PTO is able to fulfill its goals each year!

Activities like the Fall Festival, Cal-Skate Nights, Movie Nights, School Dances, Beautification of our school, School Assemblies, Book Fair, Science Fair, Autograph Book, PBIS prizes and more exist because of the PTO.

Community Outreach — The Giving Tree and Canned Food Drive during the holidays help our children learn the importance of helping others.
Executuive Board Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in the Sierra View Library, with the exception of the 4 months of the Organzaitional meetings, in those cases the meeting times will be moved to 5:30pm. 
Whole school organziational meetings take place in September, October, Febraury and March each school year at 6pm in the Sierra View Library. 
We invite you to join PTO
and be part of an organization
dedicated to improving YOUR child's school!

PTO uses the Sierra Viewer (the school's bi-weekly newsletter), flyers and e-mail to communicate and promote upcoming activities and events to you.  Please be sure to look over the Sierra Viewer, that goes home via Parent Square, to stay informed of great activities throughout the year!
President - Melissa Kozak
1st Vice Pres. - Mallory Bodney
2nd Vice Pres. - Tennille Bales
Secretary - Amy Chamberlin    
Membership - Beth White
Treasurer - Danielle Hilson
Parliamentarian - Sara Harkness
Auditor - Whitney Womack
Teacher Liasion: Mackenzie Bremm