Your role as a volunteer is critically important to our mission and we ask our volunteers to work with the same level of professionalism as our staff members. Please understand that as a volunteer, you may be privy to confidential information about students and we ask that you maintain the confidentiality of our students. This would include such things as refraining from discussing student concerns or behaviors, interactions with others, physical and/or academic abilities, and achievement on tests or classwork with other children, parents and families.
Volunteer and Visitor Sign-In & Sign-Out:
Proper Insurance for Field Trips:
All field trip drivers must have a transportation form on file in the school office. The minimum auto insurance requirements are $100K/$300K public liability/bodily injury per occurrence, and $5K medical per person. All children must be secured in seatbelts on field trips, and children under 13 must not be seated in front seats of vehicles with passenger-side air bags. Please complete to join our list of eligible drivers for field trips.
The Family-School Partnership Act: